The views points reflected in this article are not intended to hurt the beliefs & sentiments of anyone.

                   Image source- Intellectual

Hinduism is the world's oldest belief & 3rd largest  followed religion in the entire world but sadly it hadn't received the same amount of acceptance like other religions both  nationally & globally.
Audrey Truschke is a historian of South Asian University.Even being an educated person ,she once stated very heart wrenching thing about Lord Ram.She termed him as a 'Misogynist & uncouth pig who was lusting after Sita mata' .Political leaders like Owaisi have also made controversial statement against Hinduism during election speech.

This phobia can also be seen in Bollywood where openly mocking of Hindu beliefs in several scenes are shown.
In current times,when people of other religions can go to such extent like riots when  their sentiments are hurt ,followers of Hinduism are still demanding equal kind of respect & acceptance.Hindus are expected to be secular as they are in majority in India but do their beliefs & rituals receive the same amount of respect from people of other communities still remains a question.Bal Thackeray (founder of Shiv Sena) once stated in an interview that never once the media had shown any sympathy towards the sufferers of Hindus.Pandits living in Kashmir are mob lynched till hitherto but no media has the courage to show this.. Just because Hindu believers are more tolerant than others ,it doesn't means that any one has the right to mock our rituals.We don't want to dominate others but don't want to get dominated by others.

#Berespectful #SanatanDharm #Hinduism


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