In the name of Technological Advancement , our country is blindly following the west. The amelioration is a prove for creating serious problems more than being an asset for the society.This can be understoood by taking the example of Zomato's 15 minutes delivery services of food items ,followed in different Western countries which aren't agricultural and where people don't eat fresh food unlike India so availability of this kind of service is justiciable . But when this service started in India; a trigger in the number of road accidents has been observed. In addition to,due to acute of shortage of time the delivery workers don't even have the time to sip a drop of  water. To the contrary,in a nation where 1 person dies everyday of doing Manuel Scavening in the National Capital; even a kind small Machinery Advancement isn't done . According to data from the US agency ,the National Science Foundation[NSF],India is currently in third place which is a matter of pride but at the same time it's is very disheartening because even doing  small machinery advancement for cleaning sewers which could save the lives of countless people hasn't given the importance it deserves.
It's not alalways perilous to adopted the creative ideas from different countries like in Japan the system of 'Automatic and Hydraulic Car Parking' is followed to optimise the parking space.
This idea can be followed in India where there is a big problem of parking duE to over-population.
To sum that has been stated so far, blindly copying something without thinking of the consequences can do more harm than good. Scientific Advancement should aim to affirm  and improve the quality of life of people who need it the most.
